Press Releases Archive - Page 3 of 3 - CentSai

Press Releases

CentSai’s latest survey finds debt of $25k spells trouble for Millennial relationships

NEW YORK, February 21, 2017 – CentSai, a financial wellness community, found that $25,000 or more of debt is a relationship “deal-breaker” based on a survey of 2,000 millennials aged 25 to 34. However, some respondents don’t necessarily hold themselves to the same standard to which they hold t …

CentSai Experts launches, offering financial advisors and users direct access to each other. The only platform based solely on credentials and community contribution – no fee

NEW YORK, OCT 27, 2016 – CentSai, the financial wellness community has launched a new resource for its mainly millennial users – CentSai Experts ( CentSai Experts expands on the already vast CentSai resources for millennials and others by adding blogs written by …

US teenagers in for rude awakening on college costs, debt, says CentSaiEducation Poll shows teenagers plan to leave college with only $10,000 debt – one-third of today’s average

NEW YORK, July 12, 2016 – US teens have unrealistic expectations about paying for the rising cost of higher education, based on a random nationwide survey of 1,982 respondents aged 13-17, says CentSaiEducation, the financial wellness community for teens. While the majority (76%) polled say they believe …

Almost One-Third of Millennials Victims of Financial Abuse or Infidelity

  NEW YORK, May 17, 2016 – Almost one-third (30%) of millennials surveyed said they had fallen victim to financial abuse or infidelity by a partner and almost two-thirds of all respondents (64%) said neither banks nor financial institutions are doing enough for victims, financial wellness c …

Student loan debt, healthcare costs make millennials“feel the Bern”

NEW YORK, April 26 – A large survey of millennials – those born between 1980 and 2000 – shows that two major financial issues, student loans and healthcare costs, drive overwhelming support for Bernie Sanders for President, financial wellness community CentSai said on Tuesday. In a poll of 2,287 mi …

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