You see this all over the personal finance blogosphere: people start money blogs and before you know it, they become lifestyle blogs. It’s because money is how we exchange value.
Your lifestyle reflects your values. So we can’t help but write about money and lifestyle together.
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I have quite a few habits that I initially started doing in order to increase my net worth. But I’ve continued doing these things for greater reasons:
Unlike most people, I actually started biking after I graduated from school. Considering where my job was located, I just couldn’t stand driving such a short distance when I could bike it faster and virtually for free. I’ve also never been a fan of paying to go work for someone else. Does anyone else feel this way?
I began biking to save money. I kept biking because it made me more productive at work – a nice byproduct of exercise.
Then I realized I was getting fit. My mood improved. I was even beginning to care about the environment.
Goal: Save money.
Surprise Benefits: Made more money at work, gained muscle, lost fat, improved mood, became environmentally conscious.
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Skipping Processed Snacks
I realized one day that I could eat an entire package of Oreos without getting full. It was four bucks’ worth of empty calories. I still had to eat a real meal. I could make a whole meal for four bucks. So I stopped snacking on processed convenience food to save money.
Meal prepping is also becoming more common and is a proven way to save money. Being organized and preparing your meals in advance not only stops mindless snacking but also helps you save money on buying lunches and eating out every day. It will help your bank account and also help you eat real meals.
This made me healthier. I also don’t have so much garbage to throw away – good, since I loathe taking out the trash. It’s better for the planet, too. Once again, being money-minded benefitted me in several ways I did not expect.
Goal: Save money.
Surprise Benefits: Lost weight, had less trash to take out, improved Mother Earth, no more sugar crashes.
DIY Projects
I’m not a total do-it-yourself person. I understand that working on what I’m best at is the best way to increase my net worth. But I still like to do things myself sometimes. A little DIY can save you a lot of money.
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What’s more, I’ve found that I’m able to expand my metaphorical (and actual) tool belt. I’m a big fan of continual improvement.
Goal: Save money.
Surprise Benefits: Conquering challenges, getting a break from my computer, getting to play with a nail gun.
Increase My Pay Rate
People get paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems they solve. By acing your salary negotiation skills not only can you earn more money but you can also increase other skills you never even knew you had.
Thus, if you want to get rich, you must turn into someone who can solve problems that others can't.
Becoming that kind of person makes you a better person.
Goal: Earn more money.
Surprise Benefits: Improving my interpersonal communication skills, my self-control, and my ability to do things quickly and efficiently; learning to delegate; and many, many more skills.
Not Buying a Ridiculously Fast Car
I thought about buying a fast car at one point. But I didn’t because I couldn’t bear the thought of working for months – or even years – just to have a car that was more spirited to drive. Sometimes you need to find the car that suits your needs the best and is a good deal, rather than focus on the stylish aspect of owning a car.
Goal: Save money.
Surprise Benefits: Not dying, not being terrified of door dings.
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Money Is Funny
You can’t improve your financial situation without improving yourself. Ask any personal finance blogger. If you want to know who you truly are, give your financial situation some consideration.