As we get older, we’re supposed to get wiser, but that depends on our good sense and our stubbornness. Good sense is not that common, and stubbornness does not necessarily decrease with age.
Over the last six months, I have been going to a chiropractor and getting deep tissue sports massages to fix various ailments, and it got me thinking about a lot of things.
When I was younger, I thought I was bullet-proof. I played rugby – I loved the contact and physicality and would play week in and week out, even while injured. I always believed I would heal and bounce back from an injury easily. We are, after all, indestructible in our youthful view of ourselves.
Of course, I now know differently.
The Ferrari Analogy for Health
One thing that doesn’t obey the law of diminishing returns is the Ferrari. No doubt you have heard the sports car analogy when it comes to your body and your wellness.
You have a Ferrari (i.e. your body), and all you do is put cheap gas (or food) into it. But Ferraris need high-grade gas to perform. If you deny the Ferrari the high-grade gas, the car simply won’t perform like it’s supposed to. And if you don’t keep a healthy, well-balanced diet, the same can be said for you.
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Let’s take that analogy one step further: Remember that the Ferrari in this story is you.
When you purchase a Ferrari, unlike other used cars, this one should appreciate in value. The car becomes more valuable due to its rarity. Along with the investment of the car, regular maintenance should take place: tires rotated and replaced, oil changes and routine maintenance done regularly, etc.
The car should be cleaned and polished to prevent the paintwork from being discolored and scratched. The upholstery should be treated to keep the appearance of newness, and the inside cleaned so that the car keeps its fresh leather smell. The key is preventative maintenance, which helps to sustain the condition of the Ferrari and keep its value higher.
If done correctly, there should be a return on your investment and the Ferrari should keep going for a long time without major issues.
Okay – switching gears from the car and to you. For you to work efficiently, you need to be healthy and stress-free. Unless you address your money spending habits, earning more alone won’t fix the situation, it’s a two-part process
Why Financial Stress Can Get in the Way of Your Bodily Health
Sadly, the law of diminishing returns applies to most other products. Personal finance issues are some of the biggest stresses in any household. The desire to earn more money or to make ends meet is what drives most people to succeed at work.
The thought of, “If only I had more money, life would be better” doesn’t hold true for many because unless you address your money spending habits, earning more alone won’t fix the situation, it’s a two-part process.
Probably 80 percent of people who earn more money will simply spend more and still be in the same earnings-to-spending ratio as before. But if we start to save early, spend less, and invest the difference, circumstances will improve.
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And what if we look beyond that?
If you don’t get a good night’s sleep, how are you supposed to function the next day? In my early years, it didn’t seem like a problem, but it does take a toll. Eventually, as we get older, we can’t recover as quickly.
Sleep is a major part of your maintenance. If you’re constantly sleep deprived, you can’t function at full capacity, so you don’t work as efficiently as you could. This will result in a sub-par performance, just like the Ferrari that’s poorly maintained.
Staying hydrated and eating healthy food are also key for the body to maintain itself properly.
Now, there’s a lot that we need to do to maintain our wellness, but I believe that there are three self-investments that are key to allowing yourself to appreciate in value – or at the very least maintain your value longer.
1. Get a Decent Mattress
By investing in a decent mattress or topper for your bed, you’re giving your body a better chance for quality recovery while you sleep. Looking back, I had a poor-quality mattress all the way through my teenage years and I never truly slept well.
I never woke refreshed, and my body always ached because it wasn’t supported very well, especially when trying to recover from those rugby injuries. Hindsight is always 20/20. It’s also your best friend, though it’s often late.
2. Get a Decent Pair of Shoes
No, I’m not talking about high-end shoes that actually make your feet bleed and are so uncomfortable by the end of the night that you walk home carrying them instead of wearing them. I’m talking about a comfortable, sturdy pair that supports your posture and keeps your body well-aligned from the feet up.
3. Invest in High-Quality Sunglasses
Find a pair that protects your eyes from most of the UV spectrum, especially if you live in a sunny climate. Maybe even make sure that you don’t lose or damage them by using a sunglasses strap.
By waking up refreshed, you give your body a chance to meet the day’s demands. By having a decent pair of shoes, you are helping your body with its posture and preventing sore feet and legs. Keeping your eyes healthy seems obvious, but many people buy cheap, corner-store fashion sunglasses that don’t give your eyes the serious protection they need.
As we age, sun can damage our eyes, which leads to cataracts, among other eye conditions that further reduce our vision. For my 40th birthday, my wife sent me to the eye doctor and got me reading glasses.
A Final Thought
Of course, there are a myriad of other wellness options to consider in keeping yourself healthy and well-maintained, and this article in no way pretends to be medical advice. However, in looking over my “Ferrari” maintenance, these are the three areas in which I’ve felt the most significant results from changing my life.
Since you are a Ferrari, treat yourself well – keep up your maintenance, and you, too, should appreciate in value.
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